KMITL’s lecturer revealed the dangers of trans fat most commonly stained in many kinds of foods and presented how consumers can avoid and choose safer foods.

According to the website publication of the Gazette issued on July 13, 2018,  to ban on the production, distribution, and import of trans fatty acids, effective for another 180 days or the next 6 months, because there is clear evidence that it can result in the risk of cardiovascular disease.

The issued Gazette can make many people start to pay attention and focus on the word  "trans fat". From the information of the Ministry of Health in 2012-2015, it reported that in Thailand the tendency of the death of cardiovascular disease and coronary heart disease became higher.

In 2015, the death rate was 28.92 per 100,000 population, or at the average of 2 death per hour.

The statistics could show that the risky disease is severe and intensive care must be taken especially for the groups of higher risk, such as those of patients with diabetes, high blood pressure, obese, Smoking and of high blood lipids.

Dr. Supatta Kanchanapratoom, the lecturer of Faculty of Agro-Industry, KMITL, explained that trans fat was unsaturated fatty acids caused by the hydrogenation process to change the unsaturated fat to be saturated one, for example, the production of shortening from vegetable oil, the production of margarine from vegetable oil, including the process of Deodorization in the process of producing oil for consumption, and production processes using high heat, such as that of fried food, hamburgers, donuts, snacks or biscuits, French fries, cookies, white butter, margarine, non-diary creamer, cakes, crackers, whipped cream, and nuggets. 

Dr. Supatta continued that the dangers of trans fat had a significant impact on the health of consumers for it was the cause of Coronary heart disease (CHD). It was also a cause of high cholesterol increasing amount of bad cholesterol (LDL), reducing the amount of HDL and also causing the fat content of Triglyceride in the blood as well.

For avoiding the consumption of trans fat, it could be simply done by using unsaturated fats of hydrogenation, such as coconut oil or fat modified from a combination of fatty acids instead of margarine, white butter.

Avoid fatty foods and high heat in cooking, such as deep fry, and should not reuse fried oil.

Carefully read the product label before buying. Read clearly if Trans fat percentage is at 0 or less than 0.5 grams per serving.

Limit fat foods to fit in the diet and choose good nutritious foods,

Especially eating fruits and vegetables, which were rich in vitamins and essential nutritious minerals that were beneficial to the body, said Dr. Supatta.



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